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f Contact



{{ CONTACT FORM OPTIONS }} {{ *See Note 29 }}

{% capture contact_form_introduction %}
Submit the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
{% endcapture %}

{% capture contact_form_submitted_message %}
Your message has been sent and we will respond as soon as possible.
{% endcapture %}

{% capture additional_text_after_form %}

{% endcapture %}

{{ RIGHT COLUMN OPTIONS }} {{ *See Note 30 }}

{% assign show_center_border = 'yes' %}

{% assign full_street_address_label = 'Street Address:' %}
{% capture full_street_address %}

{% endcapture %}

{% assign full_postal_address_label = 'Postal Address:' %}
{% capture full_postal_address %}

{% endcapture %}

{% capture right_column_text %}

{% endcapture %}

{% assign show_google_map = 'no' %}
{% assign google_map_is_interactive = 'no' %}
{% assign google_map_zoom_level = '15' %}
{% capture google_map_address %}

{% endcapture %}
{% capture additional_text_after_map %}

{% endcapture %}

{{ #### END CUSTOM OPTIONS #### }}

{{ ## START ADMIN - DO NOT EDIT ## }}{% capture newline %} {% endcapture %}{% assign column_width = 392 %}{% capture map_width %}{{ column_width | minus: 2 }}{% endcapture %}{% capture map_height %}{{ column_width | minus: 2 | times: 80 | divided_by: 100 }}{% endcapture %}{% capture right_column_content %}{% if full_street_address != blank %}
{% if full_street_address_label != blank %}

{{ full_street_address_label }}

{% endif %}{{ full_street_address | paragraphs }}
{% endif %}{% if full_postal_address != blank %}
{% if full_postal_address_label != blank %}

{{ full_postal_address_label }}

{% endif %}{{ full_postal_address | paragraphs }}
{% endif %}{% if right_column_text != blank %}
{{ right_column_text | paragraphs }}
{% endif %}{% if show_google_map == 'yes' and google_map_address != blank %}{% assign gma = google_map_address %}{% elsif show_google_map == 'yes' and full_street_address != blank %}{% assign gma = full_street_address %}{% endif %}{% if gma != blank %}{% capture gmas %}{{ gma | strip_html | replace: newline, ',' | replace: ' ', '+', | replace: ',,', ',' | replace: '++', '+' | remove_first: ',' | escape }}{% endcapture %}{% capture gmasl %}{{ gmas | size | minus: 1 }}{% endcapture %}{% capture gmasc %}{{ gmas | truncate: gmasl, '' }}{% endcapture %}{% capture gmase %}{{ gmas | remove: gmasc }}{% endcapture %}{% if gmase == ',' %}{% assign gmas = gmasc %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% if google_map_zoom_level == blank %}{% assign google_map_zoom_level = '15' %}{% endif %}{% if gmas != blank and google_map_is_interactive != 'yes' %}
{{ | escape }} Map
{% elsif gmas != blank %}
{% endif %}{% if additional_text_after_map != blank %}
{{ additional_text_after_map | paragraphs }}
{% endif %}{% endcapture %}{{ ## END ADMIN ## }}
{% if right_column_content != blank %}
{% endif %}

{% if contact.sent %} {% else %}
{{ contact_form_introduction | paragraphs }}
Name {{ contact | contact_input: 'name' }} Email {{ contact | contact_input: 'email' }} Subject {{ contact | contact_input: 'subject' }} Message {{ contact | contact_input: 'message' }}
{{ contact.captcha }}
Spam Check - Enter the letters from the image above. {{ contact | contact_input: 'captcha' }} Send {% if additional_text_after_form != blank %}
{{ additional_text_after_form | paragraphs }}
{% endif %} {% endif %}

{% if right_column_content != blank %}

{{ right_column_content }}
{% endif %}